Gift First Aid Kit
Gift first aid kit
Product configuration: Medical alcohol disinfection tablets, betadine disinfection tablets, Band-Aids, Band-Aids, medical nonfat gauze, medical elastic bandages, non-woven triangle bandages, mouth to mouth artificial respiration film, medical tape, safety needle scissors for medical use, Certificate, configuration list, PE plastic bags, desiccant, outsourcing.
Office First Aid Kit
Office first aid kit
Product distribution: Medical alcohol disinfection tablets, hard antiseptic tablets, disinfection cotton balls, Band-Aids, clamp tourniquet, eye stickers, medical nonwoven gauze, burn dressing, blood-sucking cotton pad, medical elastic bandages, Band-Aids, non-woven triangle bandages, disposable cold packs, medical splints, first aid blanket, mouth to mouth respirator film, medical tape, secondary rubber gloves, safety pin, round head scissors , dressing, surgical knife handle, surgical blade, stainless steel tray, stainless steel tray, first aid knowledge manual, certificate of qualification, warranty card, configuration list, PE plastic bag, desiccant, expansion screws, outer box.
Home First Aid Kit
Home first aid kit
Product configuration: Medical alcohol disinfection tablets, iodophor disinfection tablets, Band-Aids, H-type Band-Aids, butterfly Band-Aids, Band-Aids, Self-adhesive wound dressings, medical elastic bandages, non-woven triangle bandages, eye stickers, medical tape,disposable rubber gloves, first aid blanket, safety pin, round scissors, dressing (plastic), mouth to mouth respirator film, first aid knowledge manual, Certificate of qualification, configuration list, PE plastic bag, desiccant, outsourcing.
Car First Aid Kit
Car first aid kit
Product configuration: Iodvolt disinfection cotton stick, Band-Aid, card tourniquet, medical gauze, medical elastic bandage, non-woven triangle bandage, medical tape, mouth to mouth artificial respiration film, disposable rubber gloves, round head scissors, first aid blanket, electronic thermometer, full hammer (3-in-1), ordinary LED small hand electric (including battery), first aid knowledge manual, Certificate, configuration list, P E Plastic bags, desiccant, outsourcing.